Archive for September 2nd, 2010

I have won an award!

My boat sculpture has been up in Teignmouth for a month or so now and last night was judgment night when we all found out who had won the awards for the public vote, the community prize and the South West Water artist prize.  The kids were being being a bit troublesome and I have lots of work on, so I nearly didnt go, but go I did and I was very glad I did as (to my total amazement) I came 3rd in the public vote and I won the artist prize! I now have a wonderful award sculpted by the talented artist Julia Vella and a £500 prize!

None of this has quite sunk in yet, but I am very, very chuffed to say the least! TRAIL has been extended till the 19th September 2010 to coincide with the Tour of Britain bike race, which ends in Teignmouth, so there is still plenty of time to see the sculptures if you are in Devon this month.

Here are images of the other winners:

winner of the Public vote, Sid the Sea Gull

Fiona Campbell's amazing spider, 2nd in the Public voteJoint winner of the community vote, The Future is Bright being made!

Hoolocombe Arts vertical garden, the initial drawings

One of the best things about being part of the TRAIL collective is the fabulous inclusive nature of the exhibition and I am proud to have my work exhibited along side community groups who have overcome all sorts of physical and social challenges to make works of art that are every bit as well conceived and relevent as those of the established professional artists. I cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with next year!

Thanks to all the artists and participants and the sponsors for everyones hard work

Italy, Culmstock and Exeter

As always, I have had a busy time, I have finished my Florence Roof  Tops commission, which has been delivered to the sister of the groom in time for the wedding (it is a special surprise wedding present). Please scroll back through previous posts to see the stages of it being made. I am very pleased with how it has turned out and it will be a wonderful reminder of the start of their married life, as they are honeymooning in Italy.

My family and I had a lovely time at the Culmstock Festival, Music and Mayhem day on Sunday, until the heavens opened and we had to give up! But I got my gazebo up for the first time and I have a much better idea of how my gazebo gallery will look for Open Studios.  Our friends band the Thorvertones provided much of the music for the afternoon and lots of friends popped in to say hello. Its a shame all the festivities didnt cheer up the rain clouds!

I have been working on my exhibition piece for the Devon Open Studios Taster Exhibition, which goes up on Friday 3rd September and runs until the 12th September at the Picture House Cinema Cafe, Exeter.

The inspiration for my piece came from a wonderful day spent at Branscombe beach with friends of ours who were staying in a beach hut there. I am very pleased with the pebble effect around the edges and the acid etching of the flowers has come out wonderfully…….However, as they have no window space, just wall hanging space I am not sure it will be shown to its best effect, we will have to wait and see!

I am a stained glass artist working in Exeter and a busy mum of 2; trying to carve a path through the tide of washing and children's toys that stands between me and making beautiful things.

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Bottle Top Rock Pools

small recycled stained glass heart

Large recycled stained glass hearts

Mixed Media Mosaics using waste glass and old costume jewelery

boats in the harbor

Moroccan Panel

Brays Torr from the River lydd

art deco fish


September 2010