Archive for March, 2010

Some new items

I have finished off a couple of panels for sale in my Folksy shop, I am especially pleased with the acid etching on the seahorse one.

Featured in the Western Morning News

The Going Green Exhibition at Otterton Mill has recieved quite a lot of attention and I have a big mention in the Western Morning News double page spread:

Nothing is wasted

I prepared lots of different designs for the current commission I am finishing off and some of them I liked quite a lot. So I am working them up into small gift panels to sell on my folksy shop, here is the first, based on Turkish tile and stained glass designs and using left over glass from the big commission. I am also using a newly sourced extra thin lead as I am really working on getting my cutting extremely accurate. I am happy with the result

Bunting, nearly finishing windows and other bits

I have been busily working my way through my 7 windows, in fact, I am half way through the last one, but I have run out of lead at an inopportune moment! So the last window has come to a stand still till my lead arrives on Tuesday! But here are some pic’s of the other finished transom light and the cut pieces for the last ‘loo’ window

Anyway, this hold up has allowed me to finally get on with a little idea I have had for a while to make some stained glass bunting and I am very impressed with the result, I hope you are too! They are available to buy at my folksy shop and would make a really good summer gift. Oh, and they are all made from reclaimed waste glass, so easier on the environment too!

I also posted off  another small commission piece today, which is a customised version of my Morrocan panel, to fit the customers window. I am pleased with the results of this one too and hope it gets to its new home safely!

Next 2 windows of my current commission, the transom light.

This weekend I have been working on window 5 and 6 of my current commission, comprising 2 46.5 cm long curved windows forming a semi circle. The client had a strong idea of what she wanted, so the challenge for me has been fitting all of that into a small window! There has had to be a little compromise and a couple of the details of the piece (the client would have liked a petal and circle motif running through the sunburst) have had to be sacrificed for the good of the design. The lettering is complicated, but quite small and would get lost in any busier a design. Also, the space was just too limited to complicate the design any further. The below photos document the cutting, leading and cementing of these 2 panels. Just one more to go!

Large Leaf Window Hanging

I have been working on this design for a while, and it is already sold! But I thought I would pop it on here to see what people think. It has got lots of lovely comments and I am thinking of making them to order to fit the length/width of a window, sort of like a stained glass curtain! If you have any views please leave a comment.

BIG Mobiles

I have finally finished one of 2 large mobiles, entitled ‘Where are all the fish?’ this one is intended for the Indside TRAIL  Exhibition starting on 17th March at the Ariel Centre, Totnes.  The idea of the mobile is to highlight overfishing; the boats look and move like a shoal of fish waiting for the first catch of the day, but where are all the fish? The beauty of the reflections of all the boats on a white wall is even better than I had hoped; I don’t think these photos really do it justice, hopefully I will get some better ones when the exhibition opens. I am busy making a sister piece to this for Otterton Mill to add to my pieces in their  ‘Going Green’  exhibition, which runs till after Easter.

I make a wide range of boat mobiles, all shapes and sizes and all made entirely from waste and recycled glass, please contact me if you would like me to make one or take a peak on my Folksy shop. They make excellent gifts and are a very affordable way to have a little piece of art in your home.

small new addition to my shop

Just popped this on my shop, its a bargain, last couple of boats who didnt belong anywhere else, so now they are together.

Folksy :: Buy “Stained Glass and Drift wood boat danglie”.

Work in Progress, cutting and leading

I am trying to document every stage of my current commission and now the final designs have been chosen and final drawings done I have been getting on with making them. I am doing the 2 side windows first, which are made up of 2 halves (so 4 panels in total)

Here are some photos moving from cutting, to leading, to the soldered panels, waiting to be cemented. The cutting has been made more accurate and easier for me on this commission as I have just brought my self my first grinder, which allows me to get a much better finish to my glass cuts and gives me more ability to manipulate the glass.

The thinking door and a mention in the newspaper

I have had the various ideas for my current commission up on the kitchen door this week. I find I need a few days for them to settle down in my mind and I can glance at them when chasing the kids about or the endless cleaning up after them! So here are some photos of my cartoons for my work in progress………….can you guess which one she chose?

Please look out for me in the Western Morning Post, if that is a paper you read, as I should be featured in it on Friday or Saturday, not sure which! As part of the promotion for the going green recycled art exhibition opening on Saturday 6th March at Otterton Mill.

I am a stained glass artist working in Exeter and a busy mum of 2; trying to carve a path through the tide of washing and children's toys that stands between me and making beautiful things.

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Etsy mini store

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Bottle Top Rock Pools

small recycled stained glass heart

Large recycled stained glass hearts

Mixed Media Mosaics using waste glass and old costume jewelery

boats in the harbor

Moroccan Panel

Brays Torr from the River lydd

art deco fish


March 2010