Archive for April, 2010

Lots of news!

My poor neglected blog, I feel like I haven’t checked in here for ages! That’s because I have been very busy with Easter holidays, then ill children and lots of work too.

I am very proud to announce that I am a current featured seller on Folksy, where I have my main online shop, this is a wonderful privilege as there are only 6 a month! I have been working hard to improve my products and images and this appears to have finally paid off. Have a little look if you haven’t already, Folksy is full of wonderful designer makers and I am very proud to be part of the community.

My latest Indie Smiles article is up on the website, please check it out if you have a moment, it is a lovely online mag for crafters and crafty issues!

I am all signed up to do Devon Open Studios in September 2010, which will be my first time! and is both exciting and daunting! Watch this space for how that develops.

My friend Thrifty Nifty is opening a fantastic gallery/shop in Barnstable in June and I have a huge purchase order for stock for the gallery, which is great for my little business, but having cut out 50 hearts I now have to copper foil them all, which is going to take sometime!

And last but not least here are my cartoons for my latest commission, 2 farm house windows for the lovely Luckhurst family who are renovating a farmhouse in Dartmoor. They are variations on some of my recent Dartmoor series and will be built into double glazed units. Their house is very close to Hay Tor, so hopefully they will add a wonderful extra finishing touch to their home!

Launching my mobile range with new photos!

I make a wide range of mobiles and window decorations (from 1 small boat and affordable items for craft fairs and Folksy) to huge ones with 50 boats plus for art exhibitions.

All my mobiles are made with recycled waste stained glass and no 2 boats are ever the same, because they are all made from ‘found’ pieces of glass. I have a complicated grading system for waste glass (from bunting size, to heart size and downwards to mosaic tiles) and I have a large box of ‘boat sized’ waste glass (I think I may be a little obsessive!). I match the pieces together until I find a good boat shape and then copper foil and solder the pieces together in batches of around 25. I then divide the group into smaller subgroups of boats that work well together and turn each little group into a mobile, with contrasting beads and driftwood. Reading that back, I might sound a bit of a loon! That’s my creative process for you!

Although they have always looked beautiful in the sunlight, but I have always really struggled to photograph them successfully, now I think I may have cracked it!
I am very pleased with how these collage photos have turned out and I hope you like them too!They are for sale on my Folksy shop or on Zibbet, for those who prefer to pay in dollars!

Getting better photos

I have spent the morning rephotographing some things in the bright spring sunshine we have been enjoying and I am getting better at product photography I think! My bunting is looking much better in the new shots……..

all of these items are for sale in my Folksy shop, its open 24-7!

Shiney, finished and ready to go!

At last I have finished my commission for New Lodge and all 7 windows are buffed, signed and ready to go to their new home tomorrow, fingers crossed they will slip into their intended holes and look stunning for 100 years to come! Next week I have a landscape commission to fit to a double glazed unit and a restoration, so lots of new pics and posts soon!

Devon Open Studios and TV

I have signed up for Devon Open Studios this year, which is very exciting! So I will be open to visitors in September, of course, I am always open to visitors, just phone first to check I am in!

I have also been interviewed by the charming Serene and Victor from Supreme Master TV! I had no idea how long I could witter on about stained glass! So that will be released in a couple of months and is very exciting! I will post a link when it happens!

Supreme Master TV is an international public view channel concerned with environmental and cultural international issues, they have a website:

Recycled Heart String Stained Glass Window Decoraction

I keep selling these heart strings before I get to list them on my online shop, but finally they are available for sale on my Folksy shop and Zibbet. So if you have missed out in the shops I sell in, then here is your chance!

Getting more confident with acid etching

I am trying to incorporate new techniques into my panels, and I have been experimenting with acid etching. I have managed to etch this fish across several pieces of glass and I am very pleased with the effect and it really adds depth to a classic panel.
I have new commissions in the next couple of weeks, so I will have lots of exciting posts soon
It is for sale in my Folksy shop

Some new ideas for spring

I have almost finished the alterations on the windows of my last commission and I am waiting for the cement to dry, I have had a chance to make a couple more items for upcoming craft fair season and for my on line shop.

I am really striving to get my cutting very accurate and so I have started using very thin lead in order to leave no room for error and I am enjoying the challenge and the effect is much more refined.

My new regular column in Creative Crafting was published today!

I am doing a recycled craft project column in every issue of creative crafting, its an excellent magazine and its free, so please have a read when you get a chance

I am a stained glass artist working in Exeter and a busy mum of 2; trying to carve a path through the tide of washing and children's toys that stands between me and making beautiful things.

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Etsy mini store

Flickr Photos

Bottle Top Rock Pools

small recycled stained glass heart

Large recycled stained glass hearts

Mixed Media Mosaics using waste glass and old costume jewelery

boats in the harbor

Moroccan Panel

Brays Torr from the River lydd

art deco fish


April 2010